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Live the Language
Collaborating with director Gustav Johansson, EF International has been promoting international study abroad programs with a charming series of videos. Shot by Niklas Johansson and accented with Albin Holmqvist's overlaying typography, each video is a poignant summation of various cultural capitals, ranging from Barcelona to Sydney, from London to Los Angeles.
Check out the full series and campaign here.
Concept, Directed & Edited by Gustav Johansson
Shot by Niklas Johansson
Produced by Lolo Uggla
Typography by Albin Holmqvist
Music by Magnus Lidehäll
VFX Goodmotion
Frolicking in London
Nunc non turpis sed nibh fringilla elementum non mollis sem. Duis et nisl et felis feugiat placerat non nec odio. Nullam dui arcu, iaculis et pellentesque non, facilisis eget nunc. Suspendisse pharetra blandit felis, et fringilla nulla placerat a. Vestibulum ante neque, ultricies id interdum semper, consequat rhoncus nibh. Ut luctus, felis eu semper fermentum, risus augue placerat mi, id interdum justo nunc quis mi. Vivamus sed augue sed turpis dignissim volutpat. Integer dolor ante, faucibus at tempus ut, posuere sed lectus. Pellentesque eu mi nibh, non ornare libero.
Suspendisse viverra blandit vulputate. Nulla at ipsum non sem rhoncus adipiscing. Curabitur eu felis quis justo dictum molestie sed id ante. Etiam luctus magna a enim vulputate in placerat purus vehicula. Sed id gravida lectus. Donec eros felis, egestas non convallis non, interdum interdum est. Ut lobortis mattis ipsum, vitae ullamcorper sem blandit sed.
Aenean vel ante in dolor varius semper. Nulla luctus vulputate lacus, vitae tempor diam placerat accumsan. Duis est ligula, eleifend sed faucibus quis, dignissim sit amet diam. Fusce tincidunt justo odio, non malesuada dui. Etiam vel massa lacus. Donec ac orci dui. Fusce quis accumsan nisl. Ut tristique, lacus quis rutrum cursus, metus nisl accumsan sapien, in tempus nulla velit sit amet ante. Curabitur dolor libero, semper ut lobortis eget, tempus sit amet elit. Phasellus ut ante odio, euismod convallis massa. Sed aliquam ornare ipsum ac pellentesque. Nulla facilisi. Praesent nec justo nec est auctor pulvinar. Duis tincidunt erat augue, ut gravida magna. Duis et quam in lectus fringilla cursus nec nec lacus.
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Crape or crepe (Anglicized versions of the Fr. crêpe ) is a silk, wool, or polyester fabric of a gauzy texture, having a peculiar crisp or crimpy appearance. (The word crape is also used as an Anglicized spelling of crêpe (pancake).)
Silk crape is woven of hard spun silk yarn in the gum or natural condition. There are two distinct varieties of the textile: soft, Canton, or Oriental crape, and hard or crisped crape. Thin crêpe is called crêpe de Chine ("Chinese crêpe").
The wavy appearance of Canton crape results from the peculiar manner in which the weft is prepared, the yarn from two bobbins being twisted together in the reverse way. The fabric when woven is smooth and even, having no crape appearance, but when the gum is subsequently extracted by boiling, it at once becomes soft, and the weft, losing its twist, gives the fabric the waved structure which constitutes its distinguishing feature. Canton crapes are used, either white or colored, for scarves and shawls, bonnet trimmings, etc.
The crisp and elastic structure of hard crape is not produced either in the spinning or in the weaving, but is due to processes through which the gauze passes after it is woven. In 1911, the details of these processes were known to only a few manufacturers, who so jealously guarded their secrets that, in some cases, the different stages in the manufacture were conducted in towns far removed from each other.[citation needed] Commercially they are distinguished as single, double, three-ply and four-ply crapes, according to the nature of the yarn used in their manufacture. They are almost exclusively dyed black and used in mourning dress.
In Great Britain, hard crapes are made at Braintree in Essex, Norwich, Yarmouth, Manchester and Glasgow. The crape formerly made at Norwich was made with a silk warp and worsted weft and is said to have afterwards degenerated into bombazine[citation needed]. A very successful imitation of real crape is made in Manchester of cotton yarn and sold under the name of Victoria crape.
1797, from Fr. crêpe, from O.Fr. crespe (14c.), from L. crispa, fem. of crispus "curled, wrinkled" (see crisp). Meaning "small, thin pancake" is from 1877. Crepe paper is first attested 1895.
1630s, Englished spelling of crepe (q.v.).